What is Chemsex?

What is Chemsex?

Chemsex is the use of substances before or during sexual intercourse to enhance or facilitate the experience. Enhancement occurs through increased pleasure perception, libido elevation, and increased stamina and longevity. Facilitation through anxiolysis, disinhibition, and reduced pain perception.

Chemsex exists across all gender identities and sexual orientations but is more prevalent in men who have sex with men. Research in gender diverse populations is lacking, but it is likely there is also high prevalence in trans-feminine people.

Chemsex within queer culture has a language of its own allowing for discrete communication and partner finding. Gay-oriented apps like Grindr and Scruff have facilitated increasing Chemsex prevelance in the modern age.

Substances most commonly identified with Chemsex include amyl nitrates (poppers), inhaled amphetamines, gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB/GBL), ketamine, sildenafil (Viagra) and less commonly mephedrone and cocaine.